This game makes a lot of fun. The world is so atmospheric and i love this pixel artstyle. Also the characters are very well desinged. But theres a problem: in some situations or parts of the map neneko just disappears. this happens if you want to take a nap or pressing space for example. after this I have to restart the game completely sometimes. but all in all a great game!
Edit: Through the game its actually a common thing that characters dissapear while entering a different state like crouching for example.
Is anyone else having a problem with one of there relic slots just disappearing? i still have my necklace but now i only have 1 relic slot and cant have 2
i think im running into an issue, i cant see the character when i start a new game and the camera is kinda able to go out of bounds when i move. it also seems like interacting with things is very spotty because sometimes the camera just goes on top of it. im on the downloaded version if that has anything to do with it.
I figured out how to get around the unable to launch issue. Long story short, there's some issues using js to dynamically load files while running the file:/// protocol on modern browsers. You can disable this safety feature on Chrome (using a launch flag) or on Firefox (using a setting). Just look up how to disable CORS on your browser of choice.
NOTE: This is a safety feature, and there for a reason. Don't load sites with it disabled, and only run trusted local files. Re-enable the feature when you're done with the game!
For a more long-term solution, the dev should take a look into bypassing this security feature. There are a few workaround, beyond just hosting your own local server, from what I read.
Download won't launch for me, assuming I'm trying right - I'm just loading the index.html in a web browser. Unzipping it with 7Zip or Windows' default zip tool does not change this. It gives me different errors when launched in Chrome and Firefox, but neither work.
Top line of the error in Firefox: DataManager.checkError@file:///C..../NEKO02400Web/js/rpg_managers.js:172:15 (Assuming this is not printing correctly, and is the same root cause as the Chrome one, as this location in rpg_managers.js is an error throw when it can't load a file)
I can't copy/paste them so only putting the top line here.
Top line of the error in Chrome: Error: Failed to load: data/Map052.json
Somewhere in Stratum 1 going west, the geometry starts to get offset and parts of the map/objects/npcs sometimes dont even have collisions
Also sometimes if youre walking straight into the edges of walls they might send you up as if they where stairs and make you fall and give you fall damage, if you jump exactly where the edge is you might get on top of the wall, and use this to go offbounds
also the launcher keeps giving me " failure to load map052.json"
I keep getting a failure to load map052.json from the download when I try to play it. I'll end up playing it on the browser more anyway but I really wanted a more secure save
You can disable the safety feature that's preventing the game from launching. Look up how to disable CORS for your browser. Just make sure you don't do anything on the web or with untrusted local files - safety features are nice to have!
In the eastern surface wilds (I think it's east, opposite Neko's home), there's a little makeshift shelter that eventually has a big gorilla in it. Advance quests until he's there, then talk to the nearby soldiers for a quest involving him. Use the rewarded relic to enter the rat's nest next to him, and you'll find the key to Futa content in there.
Other than first getting it, the only scene I've seen with it is in First Stratum, where a dwarven housewife in the Inn wants some help.
Any way to get the Kirin Horn if you killed it before getting Kaere's quest? The corpse is still there, but I can't seem to interact.
Edit: Somehow, after speaking to Anemone in her shop, Kaere finally spawned inside the shrine. Don't know if there was an issue with flags not being coded early enough, or if a bug stopped the flag from triggering before or something.
It seems to be less of the game and more that Neneko's speed just slows down to a crawl. Try saving/loading, jumping, attacking, just doing a variety of things to reset it, it worked for me--though if your case is actual slow frames, it likely won't for you.
still, for me the game goes pretty slow on browser
and talking to others can be a bother, pressing shift skips it completely but it also makes it open the special keys menu on my computer lol and pressing x skips stuff but at a slow pace, there is no button for making the dialog go fast that doesnt skip it
and the default controls are unintuitive, specially as a right handed person
You can disable the safety feature that's preventing the game from launching. Look up how to disable CORS for your browser. Just make sure you don't do anything on the web or with untrusted local files - safety features are nice to have!
So after you talk to the guard at the gate for the first time, talking to him from the front doesn't do anything for some reason, however you can still talk to him if you stand to his left or right side. Alternatively, you can just walk up to the gate and interact with it but you'll miss the lewd scene.
Edit: Forgot to mention something. Once you go through the gate, if you're character is super slow it's a bug and it goes away once you do an attack.
Thank you because I started to chip away at the bird thinking killing it would open the gates, though it might be immortal, or it just has more than 100 health.
Plz make a Android version. It will be greatly appreciated. And overall the game is quite simple as of now but has potential. I personally would love to see how the entire plot shapes out.
As this is a demo I will be keeping the review short as well but over all the game is quite good.
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This game makes a lot of fun. The world is so atmospheric and i love this pixel artstyle. Also the characters are very well desinged. But theres a problem: in some situations or parts of the map neneko just disappears. this happens if you want to take a nap or pressing space for example. after this I have to restart the game completely sometimes. but all in all a great game!
Edit: Through the game its actually a common thing that characters dissapear while entering a different state like crouching for example.
Is anyone else having a problem with one of there relic slots just disappearing? i still have my necklace but now i only have 1 relic slot and cant have 2
only having one relic is causing problems with the rabbit hole encounter
I can't climb the stairs and switch to lure on web android. How can i do it?
Controls are very confusing
my game is unplayable cause a file named map052 cant be loaded
use firefox and follow a tutorial.
does contain pregnancy?
The character model failed to load, is there a solution or fix to this
Cant wait for the full release
Character is invisible
cant use the felyne dress or back scratcher in the opening house im using the web version
got it
instead of going to inventory you have to press x and go to equip which i didn't know was an option
Hey, in the web mode have android controls, it will have an apk for Android?
I tried to run the game but it said that it couln't download Map052.json . Any help?
how do i get past the granny and the two birds in the end city?
i think im running into an issue, i cant see the character when i start a new game and the camera is kinda able to go out of bounds when i move. it also seems like interacting with things is very spotty because sometimes the camera just goes on top of it. im on the downloaded version if that has anything to do with it.
I'm running into the exact same issue. Have you figured out a way to fix it?
no i haven't, i think it may be an issue with the download itself because the browser version works mostly fine for me.
how do i leave the house when you start lollol
Read the controls beneath the game itself. The game has way more controls than you're probably expecting.
I figured out how to get around the unable to launch issue. Long story short, there's some issues using js to dynamically load files while running the file:/// protocol on modern browsers.
You can disable this safety feature on Chrome (using a launch flag) or on Firefox (using a setting). Just look up how to disable CORS on your browser of choice.
NOTE: This is a safety feature, and there for a reason. Don't load sites with it disabled, and only run trusted local files. Re-enable the feature when you're done with the game!
For a more long-term solution, the dev should take a look into bypassing this security feature. There are a few workaround, beyond just hosting your own local server, from what I read.
Download won't launch for me, assuming I'm trying right - I'm just loading the index.html in a web browser.
Unzipping it with 7Zip or Windows' default zip tool does not change this. It gives me different errors when launched in Chrome and Firefox, but neither work.
Top line of the error in Firefox: DataManager.checkError@file:///C..../NEKO02400Web/js/rpg_managers.js:172:15 (Assuming this is not printing correctly, and is the same root cause as the Chrome one, as this location in rpg_managers.js is an error throw when it can't load a file)
I can't copy/paste them so only putting the top line here.
Top line of the error in Chrome:
Error: Failed to load: data/Map052.json
Somewhere in Stratum 1 going west, the geometry starts to get offset and parts of the map/objects/npcs sometimes dont even have collisions
Also sometimes if youre walking straight into the edges of walls they might send you up as if they where stairs and make you fall and give you fall damage, if you jump exactly where the edge is you might get on top of the wall, and use this to go offbounds
also the launcher keeps giving me " failure to load map052.json"
I keep getting a failure to load map052.json from the download when I try to play it. I'll end up playing it on the browser more anyway but I really wanted a more secure save
You can disable the safety feature that's preventing the game from launching. Look up how to disable CORS for your browser. Just make sure you don't do anything on the web or with untrusted local files - safety features are nice to have!
How do I forge? Nothing work
Apparently there's futa here. Where can I find that so far?
In the eastern surface wilds (I think it's east, opposite Neko's home), there's a little makeshift shelter that eventually has a big gorilla in it. Advance quests until he's there, then talk to the nearby soldiers for a quest involving him. Use the rewarded relic to enter the rat's nest next to him, and you'll find the key to Futa content in there.
Other than first getting it, the only scene I've seen with it is in First Stratum, where a dwarven housewife in the Inn wants some help.
The problem with the web build is that it doesn't allow preloading assets. It's not an issue with the downloadable ones.
i realize this is inspired by the anie ¨born/made in abyss¨ amazing
You realized that right.
need walkthrough
Any way to get the Kirin Horn if you killed it before getting Kaere's quest? The corpse is still there, but I can't seem to interact.
Edit: Somehow, after speaking to Anemone in her shop, Kaere finally spawned inside the shrine. Don't know if there was an issue with flags not being coded early enough, or if a bug stopped the flag from triggering before or something.
many bugs in the game
Launcher doesn't work, in browser the game slows to being unplayable when I get to the city.
It seems to be less of the game and more that Neneko's speed just slows down to a crawl. Try saving/loading, jumping, attacking, just doing a variety of things to reset it, it worked for me--though if your case is actual slow frames, it likely won't for you.
oh yeah, that’s what I meant. There’s also a little typical slowdown, but Neneko’s speed becomes comically slow.
an attack fixes that
still, for me the game goes pretty slow on browser
and talking to others can be a bother, pressing shift skips it completely but it also makes it open the special keys menu on my computer lol and pressing x skips stuff but at a slow pace, there is no button for making the dialog go fast that doesnt skip it
and the default controls are unintuitive, specially as a right handed person
where's the launcher?? i extracted everything and I can't find it
I cant find the launcher in the files
Edit found it but keeps getting error.
This really doesn't say much to me but hopefully it'll help the devs solve it.
I got the Same message in Firefox, Chrome, and Microsoft Edge followed by
And I got mine in Opera so
You can disable the safety feature that's preventing the game from launching. Look up how to disable CORS for your browser. Just make sure you don't do anything on the web or with untrusted local files - safety features are nice to have!
got the same problem
Is there a walktrough of any kind?
how do you get out of the rain
So after you talk to the guard at the gate for the first time, talking to him from the front doesn't do anything for some reason, however you can still talk to him if you stand to his left or right side. Alternatively, you can just walk up to the gate and interact with it but you'll miss the lewd scene.
Edit: Forgot to mention something. Once you go through the gate, if you're character is super slow it's a bug and it goes away once you do an attack.
i can't see were im going
Thank you because I started to chip away at the bird thinking killing it would open the gates, though it might be immortal, or it just has more than 100 health.
when you make a downloadable demo ill be able to play. the browser version operates at 1 frame per 5 seconds
Can't see Neneko's model from the get go, is there a fix?
please add download links at itchio, in my country patreon blocked
How much content is in the game? Both gameplay and scenes.
is there a file to download it?
you can download the game if you use the launcher
Plz make a Android version. It will be greatly appreciated. And overall the game is quite simple as of now but has potential. I personally would love to see how the entire plot shapes out.
As this is a demo I will be keeping the review short as well but over all the game is quite good.