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I had a kobold egg hatch but everytime is hatches I crash with this message. Need help.

don't worry, that's probably caused by q bug Ive already fixed. You'll have the patch today. Kobold gave you the egg in the campsite, right?

My egg hatched on the map but yes I got the egg at the campsite. Thanks!

If you start as a "Prince Knight", during the Harvest Princess quest when you sneak into the "castle", you can get a sex scene. When this happens, Harvest Princess is in female form. Is this an oversight, or is there just not a male animation in yet?

Have a crush error. (v0.16.5 with the Patch)
I have an egg from Moth Princess.
Then, when the egg is ready to hatch, I have no image of the egg, and then there is no image of the caterpillar/moth that should hatch from the egg. And then, after I input a name, when I try to open the squad menu, the game crashes with this error.----

Send me your savefile at, I'll take a look!


There is also no egg image in the progeny select menu.

Moth Princess gave birth to a caterpillar. Will the caterpillar become a real moth later? It's been a few days, but the caterpillar is still a caterpillar. Or does it require any special event?

Yes, there's a special event in an hidden cave.
If you want moth to be born already mature, hatch them at night!

(1 edit)

Has anyone figured out how to get Skeleton Princess to sleep? I think I have a way, but I think it might be related to a bug. 

Whenever a kingdom in my games falls to 0 population, an announcement is made that their kingdom has fallen. But then, a short period of time after, their population springs back up to 1000, with no explanation as to why. I'm not sure if this is a bug. 

However, when this happens with Skeleton Princess, not only does the population spring back up to 1000, but it also allows me to (for a short time) infiltrate her castle. This is the only way I've been able to reliably get that infiltration. I think I've seen her fall asleep only one other time, without using this method, so I think there might be another way.

Do you have any plans on releasing a mobile version of this? I would LOVE to play this on my tablet....

Can't do it with the engine we're on! Sorry about that

bug report#3
animation missing

(1 edit)

That's "missing" missing, not "bug" missing though!

We're doing one for Ghost now, then Kobold will get 2 remade with her new look!

Suggestion #1

use a font with a lighter font-weight

the current one is kinda too bold and is difficult to read (screenshot)

NPCs in the mine often block the path and exits

I Finally got the Rabbit Princess auction again even though the clerk says the right name now, for whatever reason it's still Harvest Princess's scene that plays afterwards.

Oh, I see now! Ty, got it fixed

bug report #2
when i killed a blue slime (since last patch)

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Following up on my comment down below- I seem to have narrowed down the cause of my crashes. I played through the game again on 0.16.5. I completed Golem Princess's questline (involving the Clockwork Heart, right after she decreases diplomacy between all other regions), then on going to bed that night, the game crashed with the same line 455 ArgumentError. This was exactly what I was doing before the crashes on 0.16.4, as well.

Oh, this isn't the usual crash, alright. I'll fix it easily if you send me your save at!

Fixed with the Patch for v0.16.5! Make sure you get it

Seems like a bug:
After the wedding cutscene with Skeleton Princess (after Samba de esqueleto quest), the Knight is able to move through any obstacles on the map. This effect continues until any other cutscene is triggered.

Does your title screen say v0.16.5?

(1 edit)

Oh... No. Now I tried the same in v0.16.5, and now it all works well!
And also saves crash error seems to be gone too )

Good, I'll release very soon a little patch you just have to extract in your game's folder to take care of a couple more.

That is good! Thank you for working on the game!

But in v0.16.5 error with Komachi still happen. After I choose "Don't give her a thing!".----

Fixed with the Patch for v0.16.5! Make sure you get it

where is harvest princess animation?

v0.16.5 is out!

Seems like there wasn't enough time to fix the Harvest and Rabbit Princess auction scene yet. Oh well gonna wait for the next patch then. Keep up the good work, really appreciate all those instant fixes.

Harvest and Rabbit NPCs both female and male, have no prisoner costumes yet. Or are you talking about something else?

I'm talking about when Rabbit Princess is sold the clerk calls her Wyvern Princess and when she should talk it is instead Harvest Princess with her Dialog instead of Rabbit Princess and when Harvest Princess is sold her dialog is skipped and she moves immediately to the counter.

At least 1 day has to pass before the correct names are assigned if you saved right before the auction!

OH so that is the problem i'm gonna try that. On that note is it somehow possible to highend the chances of a princess being sold, sometimes i had to wait for dozens of days since the auction is set in stone for each day?

Bug report #1
when choosing the Auto Save


v0.16.5 solves it all, today it'll be ready.

thanks a lot an good luck

Any chance you are accepting bug reports/feedback?  And if so is there a specific place you want them?


Cheats are still crashing the game

I've never said they were available yet, nor I have published the cheats anywhere.

(2 edits)

Edit: Imported my saves to 0.16.5, and I'm still getting this crash.

Getting an error on a save whenever I wake up:

I can send you the save file, if you want- not sure if 0.16.5 already fixes this!

was/is there a way to "train"  dog princess?

So a quick question how exactly do you start the queen's route I encountered 'Midna' but she teleports away wyen i get too close is there a way so she can't do that or a way so I can get close enough to talk to her

I have a few question about what if i bought this game and do i have to download for update again or it update already so i dont have to donwload the new patch again?

You have to download every time a new build is posted here!

ok thank you very much

oh 1 more thing is that i bought this game and have to make a purchase again or not? or it just came in to my email and download new version?

Allright I tested the Slave auctions as much as possible and found s game crashing bug and a few bugs/errors:

1: The game crashes when some of the random generated Rabbits are sold it looks like several textures are missing since I got those errors

Unable to finde file graphics/pictures/rabbodfsliwp



Don't know if there are more missing but those are those I found.

2: When Rabbit Princess is sold the clerk calls her Wyvern Princess and when Rabbit Princess should tell her dialog it shows Harvest Princess with her dialog.

3:Strangly when Harvest Princess is sold the clerk only says !!! and when Harvest Princess should tell her Dialog it skips that even though it should exist because of the above bug.

4: Some of the randomly generated Slimes only show the head without body and their face is next to the head hoovering in the air but the slimes with slave outfits show just fine.

5:More a Typpo but the Clerk always says the auction will last for 2 min but it only goes for 60 seconds.

That's all I found hope you can fix them.

1. Yep, I forgot to lock out the call for Rabbit slave dresses, since those aren't ready yet, unlike the one for their Princess.

2-3. Yes, it was mixing up the ones for Mouse, Rabbit and Harvest

4, I've worked on the Slime costumes again, should be fine now.

5.Fixed, thank you!

Found this portal upon starting a new game

It takes you to when Dragon Princess attacks the Kobold reign with the giant chicken but with sprites missing or in odd places.

The game crashed when i talked to a rabbit in the Hunter's Terrace. It crashed during the conversation.

Also my sprite change to the one when you're walking in the wheat field, when i first meet the scarecrow princess. It didn't change when i left the room, and i couldn't leave the building. My sprite did change when i used the panic button.

Thank you for the reports and the screenshots!
v0.16.5 will have these fixed and new content!

Back online!

The game will be available again tomorrow morning, give it 8 hours, more or less!

Hello!  I just bought the game, downloaded the Discord text, but I can't download the game itself.  Why?

Don't worry, I've pulled it out because I'm uploading the newest build!

Where do I download it

It's up right now!

(1 edit)

Do I just copy/paste my old saves from the old version into this one?

Sure, as long as they are from v0.16 upward there should be no problem!


Devs you did good

If we purchased the game through can we still get discord access?

Read the text between the downloads!

(1 edit)

Had an egg hatch as I was speaking with HP and after the scene was over the game froze, couldn't even get into the menu. Seems lots of eggs like to hatch during dialog. Also after the dream sequence for ghost princess the Invicible Under the Moon went straight to Completed, but the barrier is still there and will not allow me to dispel it.

(2 edits)
Found another bug if you forgot to feed the trapped spider Koma her second serving

Applying the patch takes care of that.

Anyway, another build with more bugfixes is coming today!

Went to listen to Scarecrow princess story and when I was finished with the scene my sprite of the Kobold Princess was cloned with the sprite of the Wyvern Princess.

Cool! But I'll fix that!

So I'm trying to find the wyvern princess's hideout,  nut I've turned the whole kingdom upside and couldn't find. If i could get a hint on how on where to go i would very much appreciate it.

If you've got any bottled fairies go to the south kingdom near the cat reign near the sea, you should see a sparkling spot go there and the bottled fairy should take you to the island she's on.

oh ok thank you, that means i gotta start the game over since i used my chance for DP2

Not really, there are multiple fairies at the fairy princess' forest, just grab another one.

Found a but regarding Slime princess 1st quest dialog at the camp it does not continue after she goes to hug you game still runs but the conversation does not end or continue shes just there walking in place

It's surely fixed in v0.16.3! Make sure you also apply the patch I've just uploaded!

Deleted 5 years ago
(2 edits)

Tried it out same result it just stops after the hug.

also getting this error with some saves.

Also found another one where if you fight against GPrincess forces and defeat all enemies the fight dose not end  you can move around the battlefield and thats it using the panic button gets you out but the victory wont push GP's forces back

Yep, this is why the crashes happen

I'll just recompress the whole thing with my notebook, I've already tested it out and that's enough to stop the crashes when loading some of the saves.

Found a bug upon defeating Knight Princess during the Flycatcher quest, the game gets stuck in a loop of her defeat dialogue. After the "Knight Princess has been defeated. Time to report to the insects." it just starts the dialogue over again indefinitely.

(1 edit)

16.3 ported my save from previous version. (quest accepted before version change if that makes any difference) 
Went to the tunnels to complete mouse prince's knights inc. quest, came across a mouse in mech who wanted a quickie, after that every hourly sister I could talk to (first time going in the kingdom, 2 outside to the north) had the naked mech mouse sprite, after talking to the queen the normal sprites came back for the mice outside to the north.

An Imgur album with screenshots and small descriptions too.

Did some more testing while I was writing this:
Having fun time in the city with a Lamia or a mouse (haven't tested with other but I guess it would work with every makes the avatars go back to normal for hourly sisters.
Walking out of clocktown from south resets the avatar.
Saving in town and loading the save doens't fix the avatars.
Talking with the mouse shop on the left side of the town fixes the avatars (mouse shop person has her own avatar).

Did something other too that fixed the avatars back while running around in town but can't say what it was.

Edit: Thought I'd mention that nothing seems to break so much that one wouldn't be able to continue playing, just the avatars getting mixed up and then fixing itself back

Thank you, pointing out that mech mouse helped a lot!

Can you complete the Wyvern Princess' quest? I'm up to the part where you're meant to look for clues in the kingdom above.

Deleted 3 years ago

Try now! It was down for a short while!

Just so everyone knows, 16.3 will probably come tomorrow.

is that light theme? disgusting.

I'm just a disgusting person. :P

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