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(2 edits)

Hey, found a glitch with the Sunken Temple where pulling the blue lever in the room with all the rocks says it's drained water, but it hasn't actually appeared to done so?

There's also a glitch where you can run through the hole to get to the next area before the trigger where the water send you back to land plays. 

Due to this I was able to continue on, but found that one of the green levers, the top right one from where the save crystal is, doesn't have those little water jets on and the green lever can't be activated. It's blocked by a pile of bones which then temporarily turns into a barrel, when I interact with it, before switching back to the bone pile.


Nice finds! That damn skeleton was blocking the lever, once you pull it you'll see what the little water tiles are for ~

You'll find the next build fixed, thank you so much!

Is the trigger for unlocking the insect reign still removing the human reign or is there a way that I can avoid that, I'm hoping to have all reigns present at the same time?

(1 edit)

suposedly they wait in the underground *now you can find a entry to the underground*

Thank you for the bugfix. A lot of stuff that where bugged last build are fixed.

I'm here to report two more bugs with the dragon princess 1 questline.

Bug 1 - The next cutscene at arond 50 k gold where you go for a fly by, in the cutscene the game returns a missing graphics/characters/coloured-bats-char. This crashes the game.

Bug 2 - The "thank you, kind of" dialogue now seems to be looping. Every time you interact with the princess she tells you thank you and gives you a helm also triggering the cutscene even if you just got there and have invested 0 gold. Got like 5 helmets in less than 2 minutes for free.

yea, can see what happened with the bats and I'll fix that step too! Ty very much!

There's a couple issues with the Insect Princess quest. First when the hive is under attack and knight jumps into the pit the game crashes because it can't find graphics/characters/$ant soldier red. Second is that the fight with knight princess is bugged. Instead of her just dying, you get stuck repeating the same killing animation over, and over triggering the quest menu each time. Her sprite also bugs out while killing her.

I'll go through her once more, thank you for the reports!

question is it normal for all your party members to die after a battle fuck?

(2 edits)

I'm getting a crash whenever I attempt to interact with panties during nighttime:


 Script 'Game_Interpreter' line 1416: NoMethodError occurred.

undefined method '[]=' for 0:Fixnum


Enjoying the game so far!

Edit: Crashing still occurring in v0.16.2. 

2nd Edit: Seems to be working now!

Try sending me your savefile at!

put the crashlong in there too!

On trying to figure out which savefile to send, I tried reproducing the bug. Somehow, it went from occurring on all of my saves to none of them overnight- I have no idea what changed. I'll send you a file if the bug happens again.

Some of my saved games are getting lost.

Script 'Game_Interpreter' line 455: ArgumentError occured. comparasion of Fixnum with nil failed

Anyone else getting this?

no worries, the loading crashes have been solved for the next patch. Send me your savefile at so I can be 100% sure

Try sending me your savefile at!

put the crashlong in there too!

I've deleted it a little while ago and as of right now things has been going fine

Can someone help figure on how to get to wyvern princess

Frost wyvern you need a bottled fairy and go east of slime kingdom where you will see sparkles. Interact with that.

Great work on the game so far!

Just wanted to report that there is a bug in the Dragon Princess 1 questline. After Dragon Princess 1 brings you to see the Dragon Queen and if you have around 15k worth of gold donated you get the "thank you, kind of" dialogue from Dragon Princess 1. In this dialogue the game points to a graphics/characters/tgirlprotag that is missing and the game crashes.

Second bug ive encountered is that dragon princess 2 never seens to spawn. In two sessions of around 3 hours each on two different characters both wielding the Kobolt root (the previous warm stone) drowny she never spawned to freeze the player. First playthrough was with around 12 INT and all other stats 0 and the sencond with 1 INT and all other stats higher, both had no effect. Tried 3 INT aswell.

About the dragon's crash, does it happen during the dialogue?

It does indeed. The game crashes before the dialogue is over.

Oh, nvm, found out! The fix will be in next patch (no crash will happen, but the actual helm that's supposed to be thrown by teh dragon won't be visible until next build)

I've been encountering the same crashes except its during the quest with dragon princess 2 on trying to find the queen's scale but kt keeps crashing in a scene saying something about a ribcage missing

Yea, that one's solved, I'm preparing a new build rn.

Is there a better place to report bugs and thoughts or should we just post them here? 

bug- Iv'e found the "to war" animations are all shadowed out.

bug- In the harvest fields the knight can change his sprite to a companions by walking in and out the wheat.

bug- getting stuck in sieges map after defeating all enemies (nothing happens)

thoughts- The over-world map seems ok but it get very laggy.

thoughts- I really feel the "food finder" quest is over-leveled by having to go through the mouse tunnels so early, its also quite grindy and boring going backwards and forwards through the tunnels.

Love your game though, congratulations on your return XD 

Yay, bugs!

  • war declaration animations are like that for now, we gave priority to the NSFW ones
  • fixed, wait for next patch
  • I guess it could happen, you have the "Panic Button" in your inventory to leave stuck battles (who was sieged in your case?)
  • yes, a lot of stuff happens in the world map, the northern one is the heaviest one. It depends on your CPU for the most part, but there's always room for optimizations
  • Everything you need can be found in the northern map (the wheat is by Harvest Princess reign, if that's the one you couldn't find)
(2 edits)

Thanks for the reply, actually it was rice. I saw the northern rice field but it wasn't sparkly lol, I don't think its showing.

edit- It was the harvest def vs golem  

Hey, I've accepted the quest were you're meant to talk to the frog princess about getting into the sewers but I can't ask her, she just keeps asking if I want to buy water, is this a bug or is it just not implemented fully yet?

May be a bug, I'll take a look!

anytime the cat princess attacks the Goblin princess the fight between two is not appearing and every time I buy a Slave I just never received the Slave also the moth princess boss is missing  files

Is your team full when you buy a slave? If that's so it gets sent directly to Dear (the bunny girl in the Tavern).
I'll check the moth's boss, ty for the report!

Deleted 5 years ago

Every Time I try to load a save where a war is going on I get the following error Message:  Script Game_Interpreter line 455:ArgumentError occurred

Don't know if it's from my side or if there's a bug in the game.

Send me your savefile at

I'm pretty sure what causes your error, but might as well check directly to be 100% sure!

Yep, your file loads fine now.

Insect Princess is bugged for me. When you offer her help the first time, and she has you fight some enemies, the princess interaction menu pop-ups. I can fire off some magic while being stuck, but the game doesn't count the enemies as being defeated so I can't progress on Insect Princess.

I'll take care of it,  thank you for the report.

The ogg files in \BGM and \SE still have Towergirls in their Metadata. That might want to be fixed depending on the exact outcome of that lawsuit.


Oh, nice catch! Of course noone has any claim over the BGMs, which are completely ours, but might as well fix that.

Is anyone else having the problem with Starchy being glitched? Every time I'm about to face off against him, it brings up the conversation menu with HumanP. Me an Starchy just have an epic stareoff of legendary proportions....


Everything will be fixed in v0.16.1, I'm about to upload it and will link the changelog (it's between the game files too).

LOL, Sorry if I'm just another pestering voice. Y'all had quite a time trying to get to this point for the past year. No worries!! Thanks for helping out.

Deleted 1 year ago

Don't worry, I'm already about to upload v0.16.1 with an endless number of bugfixes.

Deleted 1 year ago

Question: is the princess mode that was originally planned for when the game was called towergirls, still gonna be in princess and conquest? I'm asking since I really liked the concept of the mode and what was going to be, before the lawsuit

Great to have ya back, ya wonderful bastard. Crazy excited to hear it's only two days from now!

24 hours!

wassat nyuggA

Deleted 1 year ago

Yes, but those will only be published on Patreon, like before.

Any idea of when this game might release the build on here or if there is an older version I can get somewhere? Really would like to play this.

No, there's no other version except the one we'll be releasing.

Was just curious since I saw this was version 16. Thought there might be another I could mess around with while I wait for this one to rop.

No, there is none, but hey! 2 days to go!

Only 2 days souns fun. game looks fun and I can't wait to play it.

Hello, suddenly, the $ 14.99 is to have the game when it comes out is that? (So, no play in currently?)

ps : Sorry my bad english, i'm french. :)

Yes, you've got it right, but I'll upload it very soon!

Ok good ! You did a great job with this game, frankly, bravo !

I hope and wish that your contact with Patreon will be successful! Not so often I meet really interesting and good content with monster girls with so cute and nice quality drawing and animations.

But still: Did I understand correctly, that while I waiting for v0.16 preorder to available for download, the previously released versions of the game are also not available (not included for download) with this $14.99 purchase?

Hello! There's no "previously released" version, since with the rebrand we've cut off ties with "Towergirls" and the game we developed before that point!

v0.16 will be the first available build of Princess & Conquest, and only "Princess & Conquest" content will be on these pages!

Oh... now everything is clear! Thanks for explaining!

So when we buy 0.15, does the preorder pay for 0.16 partially or fully?


Fully, of course. It's a one time payment for all future releases.

THEN TAKE MY MONEY YOU HOOLIGAN! Have been anticipating this game more than most triple A games lol.

Great to get this game back

Is there an estimated date for when we can download ver0.16?

We've just contacted Patreon (again), since I'd prefer to drop it on all the platforms at the same time. If Patreon fails to respond in time I'll just release it on the other places first. v0.16 is already packed and ready to be uploaded.

At long last! I imagine it wasn't easy, but welcome back!

(1 edit)

It has been a year I didn't see your game on store what am saying you beautiful  man/woman welcome back. 

i have found your name. However i can't find you.

Is there a way to privately message you about an issue with the game?

Towerfag#4682 on Discord.
Consider that old versions are no longer supported, but I'll try to help you as much as I can.

Deleted 197 days ago

The development is still active (and more than ever, feel free to check, but we cannot release updates until we deal with a lawsuit against us.

(1 edit)

When is this lawsuit due to end exactly? Its been a long time now since  the patreon went down and I think we need an estimate aleast

Edit: the discord link didn't allow me access either 

The Discord works, it's just you cannot write since you've got access only to the "Announcements 'n Stuff" channels. When there's news I can share I'll do just that.

So after being in the discord for a bit, I find it to be a rather useless invite. 

Can't say anything, can't view any past history and if you refresh discord itself it hides anything that you had seen before. 

If I could suggest an idea, perhaps make more 'public' places where people can talk rather than keep everything so private and under lock and key. Don't get me wrong, I get the reason to do some of it, but this feels overly constrictive. Those rooms you wish to keep private, you can keep private, that's fine. But as it is, right now it's utterly pointless to even be on there. 

I love the game and would love to support how I can, even though I'm unemployed (Which is why I can't be a patreon). 


Right now you should be able to read the announcements section, and that channel will be kept updated with the latest news and ETAs about when we will finally be able to resume releasing updates.

Thank you for opening those up to be viewed now. It's greatly appreciated!


i hate to bother but i used the invite but i can't view or do anything


Someone reported it to me already, you should be able to read announcements now. Feel free to contact me directly on Discord for other issues related to our server in there.

Thank you for the service!

The Discord invite file is set as pre-order, so we can't download it.


My bad. What about now?

It works now.

I can't get the link either, i bought the game 210 days ago but I still can't get the link!

Nobody can. Like I've wrote, all the links for the versions prior to v0.14 are down and won't be back.
We've completely rebranded the game, but before we could release v0.15 to our supporters I've recieved yet another lawsuit we're currently dealing with.

Does that mean I have to buy the game again?

No, when a new version is out, if you supported us in the past, you will be able to download it.

So, I've purcahsed the game like 200 days ago for 9.99$ but, I'm unable to get discord txt file tho. Should I repurchase game or what?

Oh, that's unexpected, you should be able to download the file if you bought the game. Lemme check


Seems as though it's set to be a preorder, and not yet downloadable.

Might wanna get that fixed

Oh, and if you didn't already, bookmark

Sorry, like I've posted on Twitter and the Patreon page before the suspension, we're facing one again a lawsuit against us.
We'll manage, in the meantime I'll send out to our supporters on too invites for our Discord chat.

Where do we get these Links to the Discord? Via our Associated E-Mail?

It's on the page now!

(2 edits)

I still can't download the discord link.

Alright, this is getting a bit ridiculous! Would you (Towerfag) please tell me what is going on with the game? Your Patreon is flagged and nothing new has been posted on your main website.

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