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Another, much less serious, bug. If you press the X key to cancel out of the party change screen upon receiving eggs, they will be sent to the inn and start walking around. I... don't think eggs work that way.

Found a pretty serious bug. Decided to actually take Scarecrow Princess into battle and tried using the ability bound to the control button, and the game crashed. Picture included is the error message displayed.

If I purchase this game on will I be receiving new updates? Or should I wait until the full game is out before purchase?


question: i´m from germany and for some stupid regulations, i can´t buy it here on steam. If i buy it here at itch, do i get the patches and sometimes later also the full game?

Patches will not be downloaded automatically, but you don't have to pay for it twice.

If an update was released, come back to this site and on top you will see when you bought the game and how much you paid. Then click on the download-button and will be redirected to a page where you can download the recent version, including patches.

At least this worked for me.

So, I noticed that the prisoner in the slave pens during that one mission for Goblin Princess is still labeled as an elf. Does this mean that elves are actually canon to P&C, or have you just never bothered to change the text?


While currently no "elf" race is planned, the game world spans past the Kingdom of the Dragon Queen. Elves do exist! SHOCK!


Is there a specific place for bug reports?
I somehow messed something up and now I can "fly" through anything, overworld and in dungeons... strange 


I'm really impressed by this game.  It's like a better kind of Violated Heroine.  I can't wait to play it.   If it were on Android I could do that right now o.o

Has anyone figured out the purpose of the courtesans other than to be incredibly irritating and disruptive of the game?

Couldn't accept a guild quest because the goblin courtesan was in the tavern, then the Moth Courtesan dragged away half the Cat village.

I just purchased the game and I'm having trouble figuring out how to run it. I've installed RPG Maker like I was supposed to and I don't know what to do next. Any help would be appreciated.

Is anyone know why i cannot adopt slave/heir?

Yes, i know the option can be seen when in tavern or camp, but no, the option didnt appear in my case

Tried rising heart stat, still no changes

Im disperate for answer at this point, please


hey so is there more detailed download instructions? i downloaded the beta Rar and its just incomprehensible text, is there more to it or am i just clueless?


I have a problem in the slime route when it transforms into a giant it kills me instantly because the knight does not move

Tried the demo and fell in love with the game right away, bought the steam version and played it since.

Seems like theres a LOT to be explained for some type of player who didnt have anough time to spend in gaming... so, a more detailed wiki is needed, not a full walkthrough, but a deep description about some items use, or some action that can change your gameplay/story

Like, ive search some tutorial and found out about some item that give me a watch-HUD, and i searched anywhere in the wiki, but cant find it... just knowing whats the name of the item is good anough,

Also, the wiki didnt have any explanation on where can we found a princess who stepped down.

Overall its awesome, just need some kind of a wiki or item list information

Love the game!
Is there a wiki?
Do you guys thought about translating it to Portuguese?

If so, I could help you with that.

(1 edit) (+2)

Hey, not sure if this is still active, but I'm having a bit of a trouble figuring out why my game doesn't let me save/autosave. The Saves folder is there, so I'm not sure what's going on here.


Can we eventually have girls that have pubic hair?

Played the demo. There is a typo here: "those little lords out there, adressing themselves as princesses." addressing (with two d's). "Eachother" instead of "each other" is regarded as non-standard at best. I wouldn't use the former.

Noted! Thank you for the reports.

Deleted 2 years ago

Hello! Since we're handling Steam and other platforms as separate things (Steam having an external publisher), no, it's not currently possible.

the gentleman have masturbation oral and anal to skeleton girls

that fairies show scenes of masturbating the knight and giving him oral sex.

the ghost princess does not get pregnant and her path does not follow in version 0.17.14

She does get pregnant with special items, but you're right about the route. It's already fixed for the next build, the route will start normally then.

I use the goblin special item  and princess no pregnant 

I have the rpg maker but it wont let me open and is claiming it's an unexpected file type?

(1 edit)

We get beta on or am I just stupid and cant find it

Hay guerra por todo los reinos que hago todo los corazones estan -4

I don't know if this a bug or what, but the scene where you get attacked by 3 frogs in the sewers does not seem to be triggering for me, I've done the Down The Drain Quest and everything. I've looked on all the wikis and the steam discussions, but still can't find a fix. Any ideas?


I downloaded the game on steam and it seems like every time I open it up it never goes past the disclaimer screen or goes full screen. I downloaded the file and it didn't help. Send help pleaaaase!


Im in the process of validating my files and switching to beta, hopefully it works *shrug*


Hello Towerfag, I really like P&C and wanted to join your Discord server, but everytime I click the Accept Invitation button it says "Unable to accept", does that mean the server is now closed? I'm BlurCat#6991.

I'll check what's wrong!

So after spending a lot of time (probably too much) on the public release of the game I decided ill spend the 15 dollars to actually buy it but I do have a question will the save file from the public release transfer over to the paid version?

I think it'll run just fine, I had a 0.17.12 save file running on 0.17.14 BETA and nothing bad happened, so maybe you won't have any problem

So I was able to get my save files onto the new version but it does not do so automatically the saves need to be manually moved over  

I have an issue where the game doesn't want to full screen. There is just a little box that shows the game and the rest of the screen is black. Is there a way to make the game full fullscreen?

Pressing F6 should help you.

buenos dias me gusta el juego con retos de medallas y ecenas con eventos pero poco con npc de humanos y sirenas. Seria mucho pedir que pongan princesas loli y algunas npc lolis


For anyone who doesn't understand, 

Good morning I like the game with challenges of medals and scenes with events but little with npc of humans and mermaids. It would be too much to ask that they put loli princesses and some npc lolis


Is it just me or is the game window itself very small is there a way to fullscreen that I'm just not seeing

Try F5 and F6.

the game is stuck on the disclaimer page what the heck do i do man

Press X or Enter!

Or Z... press everything!

y cant all games that cost $ have demos like this one


Noone is like us.

I can't even launch the game, says I need something called RPG___. This looks like fun, but something is not working and I don't know on who's end

That's easy to take care of. The program you need to be the effective spine of the the game is "rpg maker vx ace rtp" but don't worry it's free.


Different person but after downloading that program what do I do


Once you have that downloaded and installed (remember to unpack your files), go ahead and try to launch the game again. It should work fine after that, assuming you got the specific one i typed out



Just download RPG it not hard i think you have on YouTube how to do it


I don't know if the game is broke or if i'm doing something wrong, but i can't save my progress and the game crashes everytime it autosaves. Please provide assistance on this matter.

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