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excuse me, but I've had a black screen on both of my computers whenever going into a second map, the UI is still there, so it's quite confusing. 


 for some reason my saves aren't being processed and when I shut the game down it makes me restart :/

Go into the .exe's properties, and in the Compatibility tab check "Run this program as an administrator"

(3 edits)

Are progression and saves transferrable from the Demo to the actual game?
If so, how?
Asking because I'm really considering supporting this project and buying the game, but I just started with the demo, so I dont want to lose too much progress.

Edit: I bought the game anyways, lol.
But a response would be appreciated anyway

Deleted 2 years ago

We're about to start working on it, actually!


Been Following this game for quiet a long while now and honestly It's getting harder and harder for me to look at this game and not just see it as another Star Citizen. I understand that game development can take a long while there have been other games that I been following for just as long if not longer and I seen a fair share of them die out either due to infighting, corpate stuff or just upping and leaving with the cash

But this game wasn't even 30% when the rebranding renaming and changing of the art style and animations at the height of the popularity which really didn't make any sense and it still doesn't since that seems like something you would do once you have all the other systems already set up and maxed out. Especially considering this game is basically Wifu Simulator with the amount of Princesses in the rooster and the mechanincs that have countless other options for side characters and kids to suddenly shift gears into focusing on the art and well. Adding more and more princesses to the list  Which just gives you guys even more and more work to do on top of the stuff that should already take priority....
Yeah. It just really seems like you guys are just, grinding and farming away at the cash flow while taking literal years to go up just a .01.

At this point i'm just going to be sitting in the background wondering who is going to "finish" first

Princess and Conquest, or Star Citizen

  • Star Citizen is a scam. 
  • Princess & Conquest has tits.

No contest.

Jokes around,  we're not promising anything unrealistic.
The game's completion is set at 20 "Reigns", and Bird, which is already in Beta builds, is number 16.
Oni is #17. The other 3 will come later.

pls say foxes are coming


Sorry, should have read everything you wrote before answering.

Yeah. It just really seems like you guys are just, grinding and farming away at the cash flow while taking literal years to go up just a .01.

You're just wrong, and likely don't even read changelogs. Beta builds are out every week, and I work on the game daily. If anything, I'm milking myself dry.


One of the most malicious and mean-spirited comments I've seen in a long time.

Don't listen to em, Towerfag, your game is awesome. Keep it up!

Can you make an Android version, too?

I would love to, but VX Ace only supports windows builds.
I've seen it played on Android, but it was by using an external software to do so!

(1 edit)

How do i install the patch please? For the v0.17.16

I found out, turns out i was just stupid, there's a patch folder in the v0.17.16 in which you will put the patch in.


(1 edit)

So I just bought your game princess and conquest a few days ago on steam and thought I should tell you that the starting tutorial is very broken right when you enter the mine, as the tutorial popups are completely blank when it comes to the images I can see the numbers and text at least and if you exit the area to go get healed at the cot right out side and enter back in to the mine the map is blank everytime and wont load in unless you interact with the camp fire near the entrance. You might want to fix this quickly as first impressions are really important and if people encounter this as their first impression, they might get worried and ask steam for a refund before giving your game a chance. 


Your patch is out, download patch 2 and extract it in the game's folder!

Go to fire relite and it will fix your problem it's not a glitch.

it's a checkpoint

Can anyone help? The game dragon princess 1 is hanging in my way, and I can't do anything. Also, I don't have anything falling from King Kukko other than currency?

King Cucco doesn't always drop an item. Almost nothing is guaranteed to drop an item; the only thing I can think of that always drops an item is the one Elite Bat who drops the rapier, and that's only the first time you kill it.

Deleted 3 years ago

linux port when?


Do yourself a favour and go to winehq dot org. It's a free program that lets you run Windows programs on Linux.


so no linux port?


VX Ace is Windows only!

Does this work on Android?

Can you play this game on Android with joiplay?

I've seen people doing it, but I haven't tested it myself.

Thank you reply

(1 edit)

Actually it works but the save is quite broken you can't save the game i don't know if the game or the joiplay itself the problem 

Thank you




In my state, it's unplayable.
I wanted the try this game via demo, got any clue what this thing is?
This is right after I launch the game.


This is a library for running RPGVXAce games, you can search for it, it's 100% free

I've had a couple of interesting issues, maybe because of my method of directly copying and pasting save files from old gens to new versions since .13.

First, I've never been able to enter the mermaid kingdom. The entrance is simply not there, a sheer wall at the bottom of the whirlpool just as it was before they were implemented. I don't have any ideas for this one and honestly kinda bummed I can't interact with the whole race.

Secondly, for a long time now, Ghost Princess has a long memory, since no matter how early I raise her, she always considers me as having taken too long and I can't interact with her at all. Managed to complete her awakening in two/three days, and she still refuses to interact further. Planning on attempting to override this with Dog Princess attacks forcing her to gift me her veil, and next run using the veil on Ghost Princess to force her into the party. Hopefully it will work.

Any feedback or ideas appreciated. Heck, even questions.

Hello! Mermaid is currently in beta builds only, but that will change soon.

Ghost usually react like that as soon as you wake her up. Did you try to leave her Reign and go meet her again after that?

OH Mermaid isn't out yet outside of beta, I thought I was just messing up loaders or pre-reqs lol. Thank you, that's off my mind Can't wait to meet them and our new nerdy lookin avian office lady!

I started digging into Ghosty with different circumstances to check if it was certain thresholds I was running into, and recently found I can speak with her if I use the codes to max her affection and reign approval. I should be able to speak to her in a non-cheating playthrough if I'm diligent. Thank you for the response, mate.

How far along is the skeleton Princess route currently? Been a while since I Played an update.

Honestly this needs an Android port. I Don't know why but it looks and feels built for that.

Does anyone else have problems with saving?

Check if you've extracted the game in a folder you have got write permissions for.

Also, check if there's a "Saves" folder in your game's root!

It was the "Saves" file thing so thanks for pointing that out

tried this game, but it crashes on loading. Something about requiring other programs to run. However, which program is not mentioned here or in the game files.  :\

(1 edit)

the game file required is RPG Maker VX Ace RTP. I just googled it to find a download



sometimes i wonder if im actually a potato

Glad you've sorted it out, potatoman.


nvm i figured out with the POWER OF THE FUCKING SPACE BAR

i installed it and am trying to run the game but its just stuck on a disclaimer

Any confirm button (Z, Space, Enter...) will do!


how do i install it and play it i downloaded the rpg maker thing but still have no idea what im doing

Is there going to be a mobile patch?

Weird place to ask, but, can someone share same-style games? Listed tags are only NSFW-oriented, but I want to find more games that combine the RPG with the slight political intervention.

With the princesses on random mode the game crash when I try to bring up the princess window. Anyone know why?

anyone else having issues trying to go full screen? 

For some strange reason if you hold shift and press f4 and f5 together the game will expand the window but not the game but if I hit f6 instead of f4 it will full screen right. 

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

When  I download game name Princess & Conquest and launcher it game not working and  showing  error and I can't play game if anyone have solution for it please tell me 

Deleted 2 years ago


So I've incountered a bug, when i try to escape a siege with a princess, it just opens my invetonary and it goes back to the choice





I'm very like this game ,I wonder if you need chinese translantions,I have made some text already.This is a great project,so i want to know if I could offer some help.(If you don't need,just ingore me.I'm asking this just in the heat of moment.)


Hi, just a question as i'm new, if i pay for the game now, would i still have access to the updated versions or how does it work?

You will have access like on steam

I'm really enjoying the intricate nature of the game.  It feels like a living world.  As of the 0.17 version, I am having issues with black screens when leaving camp or sometimes cities.  When viewing the reign statuses, moving to the end of the list crashes the game.  I experienced fairly frequent crashes that ended up being pretty painful, despite being a frequent saver.  This is a great project, and I can't wait to see it grow to fruition!

(1 edit)

Can someone help me please? It is somewhat bugged for me because when i go to the lake just pass the bridge close to the cavern with danger sign half of the place is just black boxes the ground isn't loading or something like that and the same happened when I tried to infiltrate the HumanP's castle during night the entire castle was full black ground with only 2 torchs lit, guards and the princess sprites working also somehow i got out to a border of the castle trying to get that chest and guess what its normal welp except for those 2 places I hope i don't find others like that.


is there a way to rebind keys for pc? or am i just stupid? XD 

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